

2103, 2019

In 2018 I visited the open-pit diamond mine Мир. The mine is located in Siberia. In Russian, Mир means World. Stalin founded the mine in 1957. The mine has a diameter of 1200 meters and is 600 meters deep. The town which encircles the mine is built on poles due to the frozen climate and apart from low birch trees, no plants can grow in this area. The Russian diamond corporation ALROSA operates the mine and the town. The air layer above the mine is closed because the depth of the mine is able to drag a helicopter down. The operation station is located two kilometers from the open pit. Due to a flood accident the mine is currently closed.


Thanks to

Galina Simonova, Royal Danish Embassy In Moscow, RUS. Irina Valyavina, Press Officer at ALROSA, Mirny, Sakha Republic, RUS. Bolot Bochkarev, Fixer, Yakutsk, RUS. Andrey Anisimov, Cunsultant, -and Marie Birgitte Tetzlaff, Director, Danish Cultural Insitute St. Petersburg, RUS.

Рудник Мир – Мирнинский Горно-обогатительный Комбинат Ак АЛРОСА
Mine World – Mirny Mining and Processing Plant Ak ALROSA




15th – 27th February 2019

The sound piece is based on a sound recording I took of the open-pit diamond mine Мир.
I used the sound medium to scan the mine as sound is fluid.

Sound production: Ane Trolle

Mир, sound piece 09.12 min. – played on speakers, steel sheet 100 · 150 · 0.4 cm, electromagnets, electricity supply and wire

Irina Valyavina

16th – 29th March 2019

Geometriske figurer er strukturer til at beregne verden. Projektets forme mimer hoveder – masker. De bærer en funktion, en teknik til at indgå i verden. Jeg hældte vand på formene to gange dagligt for at lave spor af noget, der lige har været der. Udstillingen var uden vernissage og tilgængelig dag og nat. Intentionen med projektet var at skabe et fravær og et tomrum på udstillingen og på samme tid at gøre den abstrakte geometri håndgribelig, som noget der indtager rummet og kroppen.

Instructions / for use: Place the object on your head. In the groove across the object place a loop which is five times the length of your step. Take a step while treading down the band in front of you. Take another step while treading down the band in front of you. Continue. Porcelain 19 · 17 · 15 cm.

Irina Valyavina, text collaboration with Nina Kock




26th April 2019 (7pm – 8pm)

Falling in love the murderer is able to change. The murderer longs for something inaccessible in the distant past. The murderer wants to revoke that which the murderer longs for, but cannot reach it and murders the person to fall in love and transform into another edit. 

Uigenkaldelig, concrete, water, used black engine oil 260 · 480 · 30 cm.