

Otp, 2021

Attend, silver plated brass 76 · 26 · 12 cm. – placed on stainless steel rods

Instructions / for use: Place the object on your head. In the groove across the object place a loop which is five times the length of your step. Take a step while treading down the band in front of you. Take another step while treading down the band in front of you. Continue. Porcelain 19 · 17 · 15 cm. 

Untitled, porcelain 26 · 20 · 20 cm.

Du må ikke forlade mig, steel sheet 160 · 50 · 1 cm.

Instruction / for use. The object is hollow and its upthrust force can carry and keep a human being fixed under water. The frame is attached to the neck and the object, floating in water, will carry the human being below, dead or alive. Porcelain, stainless steel Ø38cm.

Ion exchange, acrylic, porcelain, steel, stainless steel filter, wheels, ion exchange mass 212 · 62 · 62 cm.

Photo: Otp